BY: drnaveen


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What is osteoarthritis?

It’s an age related degenerative wear and tear of the smooth lining (cartilage) of the joints.

 What joints are affected?

Commonly affects weight bearing joints (hips and knee), but can affect any joint. In Indian scenario knees are more affected due to our lifestyle.

What age group is affected?

Usually affects people more than 50 – 55 years of age. It’s more common in females.

What are its symptoms?

• Pain
• Swelling
• Decreased joint movement
• Stiffness
• Difficulty in standing / climbing stairs
• Sleep disturbance – Rest pain

 What are its causes?

• Age
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Increased uric acid – Gout
• Post traumatic

How do you diagnose osteoarthritis?

• Clinical examination
• X rays of the joints
• Blood tests to rule out rheumatoid arthritis , Gout

 What are treatment options?

Treatment depends on the stages of arthritis

• Stage I – 25% joint damage
• Stage II – 25 % – 50% joint damage
• Stage III – 50 – 75% joint damage
• Stage IV – >75 % joint damage

Stage I –III conservative treatment in the form of

• Analgesics (pain medicine)
• Cartilage Supplements
• Physiotherapy
• Life style modifications
• Weight management
• Lubricant injections (visco supplementation)
• Stem cell therapy
• Key hole surgery (Arthroscopy)

Stage IV – Total Knee Replacement

 What are joint lubricant injections?

In osteoarthritis there is depletion of synovial fluid in the joint, this can be supplemented with lubricant injections (Hyaluronic acid). These injections can be helpful 9-12 months depending on stage in which it is administered.

 What is role of keyhole surgery in osteoarthritis?

Key surgery (Arthroscopy) is done to debride the joint and also to remove osteophytes. It’s done in patients below stage III. It will help to relieve pain to some extent.

 What is Total Knee Replacement?

It’s replacing or resurfacing of the worn out smooth lining (cartilage) with metal lining & polyethylene inset hence restoring the functionality of the joint.

 What are advantages of Total Knee Replacement?

• Improves quality of life
• Pain free mobility

What are the tests done before TKR?

• X rays of the knee joint
• Blood investigations
• Chest x ray
• 2D echo
• Physician and cardiologist opinion
• Anaesthetic check up

 How long does the surgery last?

45 min on an average for each knee

 How many days patient has to be hospital?

3-4 days

 How many days patient has to take bed rest?

No bed rest, patient is made to walk immediately after the surgery

When will the patient made to walk?

Patient is made to walk immediately after the surgery

How long do the TKR implants last?

On an average 20-25 years

 What about physiotherapy after TKR?

Patient will be taught exercises after the surgery during their stay in the hospital. They have to do the same when they go home.

Can replacement of both knees done at same time?

Yes if both knees are worn out it’s always better to get them replaced same time if patient if is surgically fit.

What is the success rate of TKR?

Around 95% success rates.


Tags: Osteoarthritis treatment in Hyderabad, Orthopedic surgeon in Hyderabad

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